Wednesday 23 March 2016

Griffin's Got Talent

At the request of the School Council, Miss Bennett and colleagues organised a fabulous talent show this afternoon, hosted by the wonderful Mr Kader. A beautifully behaved audience, including our Reception children, were treated to brilliant performances of the most amazing talent.

All of the acts performed superbly and winners from each Key Stage were announced, with thanks to our panel of pupil judges.
Great job, everyone, really entertaining and enjoyable - what talent Griffin has!
Our wonderful host, Mr Kader

The wonderful 'Whippas' from KS1
The fabulous three, Year 4's 'Sapphires'
George's Marvellous Memory...of bus routes around London!
The amazing 'Street Kidz' from Year 5

Year 1 super girls

The Harmonisers, singing beautifully from Year 5
The excellent 'Lean 'n Bop' from Year 2
The great 'Diamonds' duet 
Lovely Year 1 double act
L.O.M.: great girl group from Year 5
The captivated audience

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