Monday, 25 July 2016

Sports Days

The pupils took part in their respective sports days this term.  In their class house groups the students took part in a round robin of activities that tested their skills, speed, strength and stamina.  Each activity mirrored a skill they learnt within PE throughout the year such as dribbling with a football, shooting a basketball or throwing a ball with accuracy at a cricket stump.  

2016 Sports Day Results

Lower KS2
1st Victoria Tigers
2nd Waterloo Jaguars
3rd Euston Tigers

Upper KS2
1st  Victoria Polar Bears
2nd Waterloo Orangutans
3rd Euston Polar Bears

All results will added to the final Sainsbury's Sports Games standings.
Unfortunately, the KS1 sports day was cancelled due to bad weather but we hope to reschedule the event early next academic year.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Thankyou and Good Luck to our Leavers

As the school year comes to an end, we, sadly, have to say 'farewell' to some of our staff and pupils, wishing them all well as they depart.

In our final assembly, we said thankyou to Mrs Potter, Mrs Birchall, Ms Yasaee, Megan and Ross, who have given great care and support for the children that they have worked with. We hope that they have a successful and happy future.

Of course, it was also time to wish Year 6 well on their way to secondary school. They are a talented and caring group who have shown themselves ready for the next step in their lives. We know that they are capable of great things and we hope to hear about how they are getting on in the months and years ahead.

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Golden children

Congratulations to the following children, nominated for the final Golden Leaf award of the school year for being the 'greatest asset to their class.' In a school of great children, these stars must really have stood out this year. All of their current teachers will be particularly sad to see them go and their new teachers, very happy happy to inherit them!

Friday, 15 July 2016

A Year 2 performance to treasure

Year 2 entertained a packed hall of pupils and parents on Tuesday with their end of year performance, 'The Little Pirate's Adventure.'
With loud, clear speaking, great singing and wonderful moves, they rounded off a successful year island hopping and showed that they are more than ready to 'graduate' to the Juniors.
Wonderfully orchestrated by Miss Bennett, Mr Kader and the other adults, all involved desrve a big 'thankyou' and huge congratulations.
Great stuff, mateys! 

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Griffin's Got Talent!

Well it's back! 

Acts once again wowed pupils and adults alike with a stunning array of talents, ranging from football skills, to singing and some excellent choreography. We had entrants from Year 1 all the way up to Year 6, and it was very difficult for not only Miss Webb to judge but also last term's winners, Street Kidz. 
Miss Lowther and Mr Kader were fantastic hosts and had the tricky job of announcing the winners - it was very close but our KS1 winner was Nadira who wrote and performed her own song and, in KS2, 1/2 Street won with their impeccable choreography and dancing. 

Congratulations to all pupils who look part- Griffin truly has got TALENT!

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

World Week

Last week we had a whole week learning about different cultures and countries around the world. From Australia to Peru, pupils learnt about different countries as a year group across the school. 
We had some excellent workshops including Egyptian Dancing and Bollywood Dancing, as well as a storyteller for EYFS who told tales from all around the world! 
The week culminated in a fantastic singing assembly, with every year group singing us a song from the country they have been studying. This was a great opportunity for pupils to learn about other cultures and also about the rights of children around the world.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Monday, 4 July 2016

Summer Fair raises over £1000

Thankyou to all those that were able to attend and help out at the Summer Fair on Friday. Over £1000 was raised, thanks to the efforts of our staff and parent supporters!